Mountains® 8 is on the horizon with features for scanning electron microscopy to be revealed this summer. But what exactly is the added value of using specialized software for your SEM image analysis?
1 – Scientific software with a document layout
Imagine being able to organize the different steps of your SEM image processing (original images, distance measurements, particle statistics etc.) on one or several pages and being able to publish these directly in different formats?
This is exactly what Mountains® software for SEM allows you to do, enabling you to put your data to use right away.
(This also avoids “ window deluge ”, a common disadvantage of many scientific software programs).
2 – Total traceability
Thanks to Mountains® unique analysis workflow, you can see all the analysis steps already applied to your data and instantly revert back to any step in the process. Edit any step and all dependent steps will automatically be updated.
3 – Automation : Let the software do the work
Many users working with scanning electron microscopes find themselves performing repetitive analysis routines, following the same steps again and again.
Why not automate your repetitive SEM work and speed up your analysis process with Mountains® powerful tools? These include : templates, Minidocs (macros) and the statistics feature.
4 – Trust the experts
Digital Surf has almost 30 years experience developing surface imaging & metrology software for the global industrial and scientific community.
We invest heavily in research and development. Many of the algorithms used in our products are unpublished and result from our own research.
Our team of experts constantly test and improve the quality of Mountains® and ensure the software is compliant with current scientific norms and methods.
5 – Compatible with all SEMs
We have partnerships with leading SEM manufacturers (such as JEOL, Hitachi, Zeiss, Thermo Fisher Scientific including FEI). This means Mountains® software is available as standard or as an option with most new SEMs purchased.
In some cases, Mountains® can be seamlessly integrated with image acquisition software, speeding up the process flow.
To add to this, Mountains® is capable of processing data from any brand of electron microscope.
6 – Click and colorize
Colorizing SEM images is a technique that has been around for a long time so what’s new here?
Well, the sheer speed with which you can take your image from black and white to color. In literally just a few clicks, objects in the image are automatically detected and colorized by the software.
7 – Measure anything
Sometimes obtaining measurements from your SEM data can be complicated. Mountains® makes calculating distances, angles, areas and volumes quick and accurate. You can also analyze dimensions of extracted profile contours and cross-sections.
8 – Enhanced 3D reconstruction of SEM data
Ever wondered what your scanning electron microscopy images would look like in 3D?
Mountains® offers you several techniques for switching from standard 2D images to “ topographic ” images. Version 8 algorithms have again been improved to make this easier and quicker than ever before.
9 – Pore & Particle analysis
This improved Mountains® feature allows you to quickly identify and quantify features in virtually any SEM image.
Methods based on thresholding, watershed and circle detection make it possible to detect objects of almost any type (particles, pores, grains, surface defects, cells, contamination, pits, pillars etc.)
10 – See your SEM data from every angle
Mountains® 8 will bring a new dimension to 3D visualization of images by enabling you to see them from any angle.
Using the multiple-image reconstruction tool, you can build a model from series of SEM images in stunning high definition 3D. A wide range of customizable rendering types, materials and lighting options are available. You can zoom in/out, rotate, make a movie and export the reconstructed model directly for 3D printing.
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