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Interactive webinar: Particle analysis for SPM users

September 10, 2021

Dalia Yablon, SurfaceChar LLC
Mathieu Cognard, Digital Surf



In this webinar, you can follow on with Dalia Yablon as she demonstrates tools included in MountainsSPIP® software for particle analysis on SPM images.

This includes recently released Mountains® 9 features for SPM users: improvements to histograms, flattening with masking etc.

On registering, we’ll give you instructions on how to download the datasets used by Dalia during the demonstration. We recommend that you save them on your computer so that you may open them during the webinar and follow the analysis steps shown by Dalia.

In particular, you’ll see how to:

  • Load a dataset (known as a “studiable” in MountainsSPIP®)
  • Pre-process it (if needed)
  • Perform Particle analysis:
    • Select detection/calculation channels (if relevant) and detection method
    • Refine visualization & classification of particles
    • Use advanced morphological correction
    • Mask out the background
    • Select and display relevant parameters
    • Export results as CSV files

Dalia will also demonstrate how to:

  • Plot your results (create control charts, histograms etc.)
  • Classify particles (create classes based on one or several particle parameters)

At the end of the webinar, a question and answer session will take place with Dalia and Mathieu, our SPM image analysis experts.

Duration: 1 hour approx.


This webinar is available on demand and you can watch it by following the link below.