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力分光法: 石灰化によるポリ乳酸ポリマーの強化

A team at Widener University (Chester, Pennsylvania, USA) recently used bimodal AFM technique and MountainsSPIP® software to study the calcification process of polylactic acid polymer (PLA), a plastic filament material widely used in 3D printing.


Dr. Mugino O. Kubo Ph.D at the University of Tokyo, Japan speaks about how her team are using three-dimensional microwear analysis and implementing new methods for studying the paleodiet of carnivorous dinosaurs, including the iconic Tyrannosaurus rex.


Application experts at Horiba Scientific and JEOL Europe recently highlighted a technique for precisely relocalizing specific areas of a sample for analysis using various techniques including Raman microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).


Scientists from the ISEN (Institut Supérieur de l’Électronique et du Numérique) in Lille, France, used photoelectron spectroscopy to investigate a new method for growing PbS nanoplatelets on InP surfaces.


A team of researchers at the Catholic University of Louvain used topographic characterization and 3D reconstruction to reverse engineer the human ovary, bringing a plethora of new possibilities in biomedicine and biomimetics.